Centennial Dice Game Guide

Posted: August 15, 2020 | Updated: August 15, 2020
Created by: Ms. Sylvia

As a teacher, I love using dice games with my students. They are a playful way to practice fact fluency, learn about probability, and strengthen their social skills. The social skills are easy to overlook, but waiting your turn, accepting losses, and winning graciously are all difficult and necessary life skills! Dice games also strengthen children’s ability to subitize, which is the academic term for the fundamental “number sense” skill of recognizing groups of numbers without counting each one. Dice games light-heartedly meet so many educational and emotional needs.

Growing up, my grandparents lived on Centennial Street. When I found a dice game with that name, I was thrilled!

It was difficult to find an explanation of the rules that was clear enough to use in the classroom, though, so I’ve made my own.

We’re a family that loves games to play games together, but also loves to have games available to play on our own. I love that Centennial is a fun and (sometimes) quick game I can play with a medium-sized group and that it also works as an alternative to solitaire if my call is put on hold. Once you’ve played a few times with your child, Centennial could become a solo game for the times when you can’t directly engage.

This particular game is great for strategic thinking. Even more than most dice games, it also builds basic addition skills, pattern recognition, and early probability awareness.

I’d recommend it for 2nd graders and up, but you know your child best. If this seems like something they’re ready to try, give it a go!

Whoever you play this with, have fun!

Game Instructions and Game Board