Flask in a Chemistry Lab

Top 5 Science Podcasts for the Whole Family

Posted: September 30, 2020 | Updated: September 30, 2020
Created by: Ms. Sylvia

Who doesn’t love animal facts or developing a better understanding of the world around us? These science podcasts are a phenomenal way to introduce children to natural phenomena (see what I did there?) and to instill a love of science. Even better, listening to podcasts improves childrens’ attention spans, auditory processing (their ability to absorb, retain, and apply information they hear), and also strengthens their imagination and curiosity.

As with all media your family consumes, it’s best to listen to a few episodes to make sure that the podcast is right for your child. Also, any reporting for any age brings up discussion-worthy ideas, and listening to the podcast before (or, if you’re confident in the series, with) your child lets you have those discussions in the moments. When you’ve previewed the content, you can come to those conversations with more wisdom to share.

Without further ado, here are our favorite science podcasts! Which one do you like best?

Earth Rangers

Who doesn’t love animal facts? These adventures with Earth Ranger Emma, wildlife biologist and reporter, will introduce you to all kinds of creatures great and small! This Canadian podcast is a winner for the whole family. With great soundscapes that make it easy to visualize Emma’s adventures and constant excitement, this is sure to keep your animal lover entertained and is an enjoyable listen for adults, too.


Stories of science discovery take center stage in this fantastic podcast from a science journalist and an experienced teacher who have paired up to bring us an informative, discussion-based podcast. It has fewer sound effects, which makes it ideal for building the attention span of older science-loving kids, ages 9 and up.

But Why?

Kids and their questions are at the center of this podcast. This is one of my favorites! Experts answer questions from kids -- and I would guess that most of us adults will learn something new from this podcast, too! Fun and informative for the whole family. Some episodes are better for older children, some are fun for all. I would generally recommend this podcast for 3rd graders and up, but you might listen ahead and find episodes to share with Kindergarteners and up!

Brains On

Brains On’s tagline is “where we’re serious about being curious” and that perfectly sums up the show. This is one of the best-produced science podcasts I’ve heard for kids. With a new kid co-host each week and a fascinating question each time, this is a great choice for curious kids. I would recommend it for 2rd graders and up, but this is easily enjoyable through 8th grade. Like “But Why?”, select episodes could be appropriate and engaging for the whole family.

Wow in the World

With sounds effects galore and a fast-based banter, this show is sure to hold your elementary-aged scientist’s attention and might be fun for your middle schooler, too. From Guy Raz of Radiolab and Gracie Award-winning host Mindy Thomas, this is a fun exploration of the world around us. All sorts of topics are explored in a playful, factual way. Currently, Wow in the World is offering 4 weeks of week-long science projects based on their previous episodes. Perfect for at-home explorations!